This page is a WORK-IN-PROGRESS.
Please check back soon for more details about my work!


helenlincodes (this website!)

helenlincodes (this website!)

I created this entire website from scratch to practice my pure HTML/JS/CSS skills. Web hosting is done with Jekyll and GitHub Pages.

Image Segmentation

Image Segmentation

Image segmentation program using K-means clustering created in Python. Randomly initialized centers and adjustable number of clusters were used for 10 iterations.

Person Detection

Person Detection

SVM person detection algorithm created in Python to detect people in mall video frames. Suitable features were computed using HoG in order to train the SVM.

Face Detection

Face Detection

100 random celebrity faces were used to form an artificial 'average face' and compute the top 'eigenfaces'. The program performs face detection using a sliding window on any input to find patches with low RMSE.

Recycling Robot

Recycling Robot

Autonomous recycling robot created with Java and LeJOS for a LEGO Mindstorms EV3. We built colour and weight detection systems to sort recycling cans, as well as fully autonomous navigation and obstacle avoidance (like a Roomba).

Tone Matching Game

Tone Matching Game

Tone matching singing game created with a STM32 development board. Works similar to a digital guitar tuner!

VR Flexspace

VR Flexspace

I created a VR work- and flex- space in Unity with the Oculus Integration SDK. This is my exploration project to practice building locomotion, presence and tracking, object interactions, etc, in VR.